Thursday, February 3, 2011

Photoshop chimera

Hello again.... So worked on my photoshop jobs a bit and tried to tidy up the images and cam up with this :
Which i then started to play around with mnore and eventually came up with this:

I will post and illustrator version of my piece next tiem.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back to chimera project

Hello again ... so i quick sketched like literally ten mins ... an idea for the direction in which i want my chimera to go.

I want to show emotion within my chimera while keeping to the brief of combining objects.

Moving on from this i began to individually picture my different items like so :

And then began to photoshop them simply at first to make a sort of collage but again this was only a ten minute job. I am working on a better version now so will post next time the results.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Album Cover

I have designed an album cover as part of a college assignment. The band i chose to do my piece for was Biffy Cylro and the song I chose for the piece was there song mountain. I went for the theme of power and looked to the animal kingdom for inspiration. I originally went for a simplistic feel to the cover sketching then photoshopping simple sketches. Like so:

However after looking at my piers work for this project I decided to rethink my stradegy and started to sketch again:

After a simplistic sketch I began to work on the laptop until I finally produced the final artwork. Using a combination of paint and photoshop.

Finally the rest fell into place as i transferred the original sketches I did for the first attempt into the inside of the album and so the album was complete.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Found a new artist

So yes I have found a character artist called Christina Davis...She is on blogspot and her art relates to my own project as her art is titled....Art Chimera.

Check her out.

Back from xmas holidays........

So I have returned from the xmas break and its time to return to my chimera project.....

After looking over the bried i have decided to post a few picutres:

So the picture above is all the items i had in my pocket while in collage. General items like usb key, smokes, bus tickets....etc.

I began to play with the items until i came up with a simple design. He is almost a character.

Not to sure about the legs but will post updated versions on this little guy soon.