Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Following a lead

Taking my basic research I think its time to explore different paths to see what option I would like to take. Coming back to a sculpture piece that i recently posted.

I found out that this sculpture piece was done by Professor Peter Eudenbach as part of "L.A at Home" section of the November 2 Los Angeles Times. The piece was mass produced and distributed by Artware Editions. And sold to house holds across America.

This information has lead me to the idea of making a mold or item which could be mass produced easily and yet would still be a traditional art piece.

back to chimera project

So this project is all about research that will eventually lead to a solution or basically the final piece for my project so for the next few posts i will be looking into what a chimera is the traditional chimera mythical creature and what the modern day has interpreted as a chimera.
looking up the definiton of chimera i was presented with :

  • (Greek mythology) fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head and a goat's body and a serpent's tail; daughter of Typhon
  • a grotesque product of the imagination

However as i looked deeper i found that a chimera can be taking to objects and mixing them together. Almost like combined materials.

I found this picture which i feel represents a chimera. It looks into the elements of ice and fire and mixes them in the form of a human.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Just dropping in

Cd cover i designed for a class project il post the original illustration and the illustrator version in the next post

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chimera project research starting

One chimera project I found. This is a sculpture piece and yet it it a chimera as it joins objects together.

A chimera i found two simple objects chicken legs and a Christmas decoration. simplistic yet comically genius.

Chimera starting point

The items that are in my possession at this time:

3 pencils
Packet of cigarettes
Keys and key rings
Memory stick
Bus ticket

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New assignment: Chimera Brief


Create a digital montage to illustrate n idea and bring it up to the point of a dust jacket design.
Steps:Define problem
         Gather info
         Search for the idea
         Forget about it
         Put the idea into action 

future car assignment

The Brief:

Bascially for this assignment we were asked to create one of three things:
1.) Future car
2.) Grasshopper
3.) Bulldozer

I chose to go with the futuristic car. I picked this because i thought it would test my skills as a designer and would show off my illustrator skills .

I began with a simple 2d sketch like so:
Add caption: Starting point

Then moving from this 2d sketch i began to play around with the dimensions of my car and came up with a line 3d sketch on illustrator ...(this whole project is done on illustrator btw)

Add caption: 3d building block

 Finally after much playing around i began to overlay images and ply around with the dimensions and measurements  of my car until i began to form a final 3d image that i was happy with i ill probly blog an updated version at sum stage because i always play around with previous things i have done:

Add caption: Final 3d sketch